Growing smiles dentistry

What is the ideal oral health routine for dental hygiene?

Last updated on March 19th, 2024

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Our dentists at Growing Smiles answer them!

Importance of brushing & flossing by Growing Smiles Dentistry
Dental care routines such as proper brushing and flossing are important to overcome oral health problems such as gum disease, bad breath, and tooth decay. When these small steps become a habit, they can lead to positive long term effects. Home oral care is a big contributor to ensuring overall visits to a dental clinic are reduced and they are often simple to implement. While a dentist may offer tailored routines depending on the patient’s unique needs, the general steps outlined here can be commonly followed.Our Dentists in Bangalore at Growing Smiles that you are what your habits are. Hence, having healthy oral habits especially inculcated in children can ensure a lifetime of good oral health. Pediatric dentists often advise and train kids on healthy oral health habits through fun and friendly methods because oral care habits when learned young can prevent cavities and ensure healthy teeth and gums.The American Dental Association has recommended steps to take based on clinical studies and systematic reviews

General Recommendation for good dental hygiene

Fluoride toothpaste for good oral hygiene
  1. The use of a fluoride toothpaste is highly recommended by all dentists, and it is advisable to brush twice a day using a circular motion.
  2. Avoid sugary foods and drinks as the sugar combines with the saliva and bacteria in the mouth to cause tooth decay.
  3. Visit your dentist and ask him/her if there are any particular conditions that are relevant to you that require you to implement any personalized oral hygiene routines.
  4. Flossing your teeth is important at least once a day in order to remove plaque. The plaque has a tendency to build up by feeding on the food particles and can cause gum decay which may lead to the need for a root canal being performed.
  5. Drink a good amount of water:  Water is helpful in washing away food particles thereby preventing bacterial infections. One unknown fact is that the fluoride in the water acts as a coating and helps prevent tooth decay.

Personalized Recommendations For Parents with Young Kids

  1. Let the kid choose his/her own toothbrush and toothpaste. Each child is different and helping them pick their own toothbrush ensures that they choose the ones most comfortable.
  2. Reward your kids for following good oral hygiene so that they associate the activity with a happy feeling.
  3. Plan a fun activity around oral health routine or read them a story.
  4. Safety is also an important factor in dental hygiene. If your child plays a sport, ensure that they wear any type of mouth-guard to protect teeth.
  5. Visit the pediatric dentists once in six months.

Role of Lifestyle in Oral Hygiene

  1. Stay away from tobacco-related products as it can have long term negative effects.
  2. Understand that over the prescription drugs can have an impact on oral health as they may contain sugars, be acidic, or cause dry mouth.
  3. Find relaxation techniques or exercises to help you cope with stress as stress can also have an effect on oral health as it may cause bruxism or teeth grinding.

Questions to ask your dentist on your next dental visit

  1. Do you recommend any mouthguard for my child who plays sports?
  2. Is my child at any risk of caries and depending on that can you suggest how often we need to visit a dentist?
  3. Is it ok to use a mouthwash and what type of mouthwash needs to be used? A cosmetic mouthwash or a therapeutic mouthwash?
  4. Do I need to keep in mind the amounts of fluoride in the toothpaste or do I need to take any fluoride supplements?
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