Growing smiles dentistry

Why Do Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Removed?

Last updated on January 9th, 2025

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wisdom teeth removal

Wisdom teeth are always something of a concern in the world of dental health. It is the last set of molars, which appear when an individual is between 17 and 25 years old. Thus, this time often lacks sufficient space in the jaw to allow proper eruption of these teeth. This can lead to pain, infection, and other damage to other teeth. Therefore, a need to consider visiting a trusted dental clinic for the assessment and removal of wisdom teeth can avoid various long-term oral health issues. This brings one to a burning question of why these two teeth require removal and its benefits, which are discussed below.

Extraction of wisdom teeth is required to prevent complications related to oral health, such as overcrowding, impacted teeth, infection in the gums, and damage to adjacent teeth surrounding the area. Professional dental clinics in Whitefield ensure proper care of these conditions. Early intervention would make recovery smoother, and it would avoid future dental problems, hence this blog delves on why wisdom tooth removal would be necessary, the whole procedure, and how a dentist in Whitefield guides a patient through this process.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

The third molars are commonly known as the wisdom teeth. Most people start developing them in late adolescence into early adulthood. The fact that when these teeth came first into use among our forefathers who had pretty crude diets, they performed amazingly. However today, in line with the changes in diets, the sizes of jaws; are less useful in terms of performing their services. Most people have four wisdom teeth, but not everyone undergoes complications.

Wisdom Teeth Problems

wisdom teeth removal in whitefield

Wisdom teeth normally come out poorly because of inadequate space in the jaw. This leads to a variety of dental problems, which include:

Impacted Teeth: Impacted teeth refer to the failure of complete eruption of the tooth. In this case, the wisdom teeth get stuck inside the gum or the jawbone. It is associated with pain, swelling, and infection.

Crowding: This condition can cause poor mouth space, leading to crowding of teeth or displacement beyond the normal position and possible harm to adjacent teeth. Orthodontic work years later can be undone

Gum Infections: When they do erupt, partially, bacteria colonize pockets around the area in case of gum disease pericoronitis painful gums.

Tooth Decay: It is at the posterior end of the oral cavity, and they tend to be more prone to caries and eventual tooth decay because they cannot easily be cleaned.

When to Extract Wisdom Tooth?

It depends on the individual case. Most Whitefield dentists recommend extraction in the following cases:

  • Recurring Pain: If the pain is sharp and recurrent, it means that the wisdom teeth are problematic.
  • Infections: If the infection recurs around the partially erupted tooth, then it has to be extracted.
  • Crowding: If pressure on other teeth is made due to their eruption, extraction is considered to prevent overcrowding.
  • Formation of cysts: Trapped wisdom may result in cysts. These cysts can move forward and continue to deteriorate the jaw further along with tissues around it.

Wisdom tooth extraction is one of the most common dental procedures. That is what you will be going through if you happen to visit a Whitefield dental clinic:

Process for Wisdom Tooth Extraction

  • In the initial consultation, the dentist will take an X-ray to determine your teeth, observe the position of your wisdom teeth, and come across any potential problems.
  • They further outline the risks and advantages and post-procedure aftercare.
  • Preparation: The amount of extraction decides if local sedation or general anesthesia will be made.
  • Extraction Procedure: The dentist works to extract the tooth carefully piece by piece, depending on where it is impacted.
  • Sutures: They suture the wound using sutures to expedite the healing process.
  • Recovery Phase: A recovery time of 7-10 days is normal. Patients are usually advised aftercare measures such as controlling swellings, staying away from hard foods, and all medications prescribed.

Advantages of Early Extraction of Wisdom Teeth

  • Low Risk of Complications: If the removal of wisdom teeth is done earlier, the probability of getting infections, decay, and alignment issues is lesser.
  • Cures Faster: It doesn’t exhaust the body for early extraction.
  • Oral Hygiene Improves: You ensure that healthy teeth and gums around the wisdom tooth are not harmed.

Choosing the Right Dental Clinic:

A good and reliable clinic is essential to be picked up for a smooth process of removing wisdom teeth. Things that should be considered are the following:

Specialization of a Dentist

  • A dentist with great experience in oral surgery via removal of wisdom teeth in Whitefield.
  • The Clinic is equipped with at least some modern technologies to ensure an accurate procedure that is safer: 3D imaging diagnosis.
  • Patient-friendly approach.
  • Dental clinics should have the right approach to making patients feel comfortable and proper instructions on aftercare.


Extraction of wisdom teeth is an active measure towards healthy oral condition. Leaving the troublesome wisdom teeth will lead to major oral issues like infection, malposition, and constant aches. Consulting a good dental clinic at Whitefield ensures that the problem is treated in time, along with proper care. Avoid complications; book your appointment today and take your step toward a healthier smile.


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